Kingdom VBS Heroes of the Bible
Join us for VBS on August 28 to 31 from 6 to 8 PM. There will be Bible Lessons, Games, Other Activities, and provided Snack!
If you are interested in volunteering, we are looking for volunteers. Please contact the church office or Pastor Anson.
Special Events
Pirates of the King VBS
Ahoy Matties! Kingdom Kids joined Captain Hollows Crew as Pirates of the King during the Summer of 2021! Watch to see how much fun our kids had as they learned about the full gear of God and discovered the best booty there ever was!
Christ Chapel hosts an annual egg hunt every Easter with games, food, music, prizes, and an egg hunt. Join us yearly for this family friendly event and enjoy some good food and candy!
Kingdom Kids at Grape Festival
See what the Kingdom Kids of Christ Chapel did this fall at the Silver Creek, NY annual Festival of Grapes. They greatly enjoyed participating in the Sunday parade in our castle float that won 2nd place! Thank you everyone who participated in making this years Grape Festival special.